Balance of male and female energy
Regardless of gender, we all possess male and female energy. Masculine energy is responsible for action, strength, logic, goal orientation, construction, and control, whereas feminine energy is responsible for lightness, sensitivity, creativity, openness to receiving and feeling, the ability to listen to the voice of intuition and the heart, as well as trusting persistence and acceptance of who we are. The ability to balance these forces within ourselves is essential for harmony in a loving relationship. When our masculine and feminine energies are in harmony, we can experience intense chemistry and connection with our companion. I will teach you how to balance these two energies so that you can form relationships full of love, understanding, and profound connection.
Read and answer the following questions:
- Are you aware of your masculine and feminine energies?
- Can you distinguish between your male and feminine energy?
- Do you believe that balancing this energy is necessary for harmony in relationships?
- Do you struggle with balancing your masculine and feminine energy?
- Do you find that having an imbalance of masculine and feminine energy negatively impacts your relationships?
- Have you ever felt unbalanced between masculine and feminine energy?
I will help you discover how to balance these two energies so that you can create relationships full of love, understanding and deep connection.